
Covid 19 across the globe has brought sadness to many families, individuals, companies and entrepreneurs. People were forced to find ways and ideas to survive or to make a quick a buck. If you found yourself in that position, relook at the word entrepreneur, because those are true traits of an entrepreneur. Someone that’s able to quickly come up with an idea, implement the idea and get the business trading fast. This route is one that most of us only take when life gives us lemons.

Or you just can’t do the 9-5 corporate hours any longer and want a change.

Starting your own business can be extremely stressful.

Some are born with an entrepreneurial attitude and some of us are not.

The word ENTREPRENEUR is known as a person who sets up a business or businesses, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit.

Or even best described as an individual who creates a new business, bearing most of the risks and enjoying most of the rewards.

An entrepreneur is seen as an innovator, a source of new ideas, goods, services, and business/or procedures.

If you ever think of wanting to start your own business make sure you do some good research.

If you are currently an entrepreneur then congratulations because this means that you are just one step away from your dream job!

My thoughts on entrepreneurship are…

  • Go in it with all your heart.
  • Be positive or confident about your new ideas.
  • Make a list of the pros and cons before starting your new journey.
  • Prepare yourself for working long hours and over weekends.
  • Rejection is something that we all fear, but it’s good to face it and know how to deal with it when it knocks on your door.
  • As the saying goes what doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger.
  • Prepare yourself for not seeing those fixed monthly salaries.
  • You might even hear more negative thoughts/feedback versus positive ones.
  • Spend time researching your business ideas, if it’s a hobby that you would like to turn into a business even better as you’re doing what you love.
  • DO NOT take out unnecessary debt. I repeat do not take out unnecessary debt.
  • Find yourself a business mentor that can give you advice at any given time. Someone with a good business background.
  • It is always a bonus when you have the support of your family and friends.
  • If you already have 9-5 job and you would like to start off in your spare time that might be the best route to go in the initial stages.
  • Set your self-goals and a wish list, after all we are entitled to dream!

There are many well-known entrepreneurs that started off by selling what they believed in.

Whether it is a just a service, advised or handing out pamphlets.

Entrepreneurs have certain qualities or traits within themselves.

  • They never give up.
  • They are risk takers.
  • They oversee all negative comments.
  • They are open to many positive and negative criticism.
  • They are self-disciplined.
  • They are persistent at their goals.
  • They believe in their products or services.
  • They see the opportunities and take the risk.

You will have good sales days and bad sales days, prepare yourself for both seasons.

If you want to read some inspiring stories about people that never gave up on their dreams,

Take some time and read inspirational stories on well-known powerful entrepreneurs such as Oprah Winfrey, Allan DeGeneres, JK Rowling, Simon Cowell and the list goes on.

I personally love watching Gary Vaynerchuk, he is such an inspiration. I recently came across another inspirational talker. Her short 2 min video made me want to research more about her. Small Business Stacey.

Continue to research and follow other well-known entrepreneurs, there are so many out there that can be a huge inspiration.

Whenever and whatever you decide remember,

You are not late.

You are not early.

You are on time.

As the saying goes when life gives you lemons make lemonade.

Remember to believe in yourself and your product.

You are never too old to start your own business.

Never give up, give it your utmost best, work hard, stay focus and build your dream!

PS “Your PRINT service provider”




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